Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Adventures in Prague - last post!


Welcome to my final blog post.  I really cannot believe that study abroad is over, even though, in about 6 hours, I'll have officially been home for a week!  It was kind of weird to be back in the US, to be honest.  Weird handling US Money - missing my pounds!  Weird.  Weird.  Weird.  I have had the worst jet lag, but it might have actually gone away today.  Normally, I've been going to bed at 9pm and waking up at 5am, which I've actually kind of enjoyed because it's allowed me to get my day started earlier than the standard.. uhh... 12pm that I enjoyed in Wales.  I also think I've gained like 5 pounds since being back.  When food is readily available, and I don't have to pay for it, I eat it.  Oops.  I had to pay for food in Wales, which made snacking kind of an uncommon thing!

Anyway!  The real reason for this post - to tell you about Prague!


Sooo, after finally arriving in Prague Sunday morning, I enjoyed a lovely day of shopping, Christmas market exploring in Old Town, and hanging out with Bridget, Laura, and Laura's friend Caitlin.  We ate about 1 million of these fried dough things at the Christmas market.  DIVINE.  (There's always something delicious like that at Christmas Markets, and I always eat A TON of them).  It was so terribly cold in Prague, almost so cold that I didn't want to be outside.  Nonetheless, the city was BEAUTIFUL!  That night, we went to this random pub that we stumbled upon (upon which we stumbled, in case Laura reads this) for dinner.  It was DELICIOUS and cheap!  I also had the best green beans of my entire life.  I feel the need to mention this because I mentioned it about 10 times during dinner - LITERALLY. THE. BEST. GREEN. BEANS. EVER.  They had bacon and onion and some kind of garlic seasoning.  After dinner, we went back to the hostel for a pretty quiet evening.  By the way, this hostel, which was actually a hotel(?), was so great!  The only problem was that it was somewhat far from the City Center.

Sunday came along, and Laura had to catch her flight back to Geneva.  Therefore, I spent the day with just Bridget, and it was absolutely fantastic.  We went back to the Christmas market, as Christmas markets are always incredibly fabulous and heart-warming.  We also explored Prague Castle, which, I believe, is the largest in the world.  It was beautiful.  Before leaving the Prague Castle area, we stopped to see the John Lennon Wall (if that's its official name?), which was super cool.  We then bought numerous paintings/images/whatnot of Prague from various street vendors on the Charles Bridge.  After some gift and souvenir shopping, we went up the Astronomical Clock Tower and saw some amazing views of the city at night.  Overall, it was an extremely relaxing and lovely day.  For dinner, Bridget & I went to this CHARMING restaurant.  I totally forgot what I ate, probably because I liked Bridget's meal more than mine.  I also spilled approximately 10 cups of ketchup all over the table.  Woops.  We then got a taxi back to the hotel, and we got seriously ripped off by the cab driver.  It was so infuriating that I actually said something before getting out of the car, which is somewhat unlike me, but I had to.  The 7-10 min. cab ride cost 820 czk, while a 30 min. ride from the airport to the hotel cost me 660 czk.  The guy then told me, with a whole lotta 'tude, that cab prices from tourist centers are different than from airports.  NO KIDDING.  Thanks for trying to take advantage of tourists, buddy!  The next morning, it was back to London, and then home!

And here I am, in my room.  The only part of me that makes me fully aware that I am starting to get adjusted to being home: I just made a list of all the things I need to do.  I have not done that IN AGES.  And, of course, I have plenty of things to do.  Oops.  Back to reality - prepping for the new semester, applying to internships, etc.  Oh, man.  2012, here I come!


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