Friday, December 16, 2011

Last Full Day in Swansea!


Cannot believe it!  It's my last full day in Swansea, which will be spent by packing, going into City Centre/downtown Swansea for the last time with Cristen, & going out to dinner with Cristen at the top of the tallest building in Wales!  Woohoo!

Good-bye's have been sad (of my closest friends, Cristen's the only one left - we'll hopefully be on the same train to London tomorrow; there's also a good chance we'll have a slumber party tonight).  However, we're kind of doing the whole 'quick like a band aid' approach.  Just gotta load everybody up and move 'em out.  Also, I've done this good-bye thing for extended periods of time quite a few times now.  I'm always ultimately very okay.  And, my abroad friends will be coming to visit me in California on May!!  So excited for that.

I'll include some pictures of Swansea, which a few people have asked for, in a later blog post.

Anyway, to summarize this absolutely amazing experience, I have seen quite a few awesome places:

- Wales: Swansea, Cardiff (the capital; briefly), Newport, Mumbles, St. Fagan's, Big Pit Coal Mine, Gower/Worm's head/Rhosilli Bay
- England: London, Oxford, Bath, Stonehenge, Avebury, Newcastle, Durham
- Spain: Madrid, San Sebastian
- Germany: Berlin
- The Netherlands: Amsterdam
- Switzerland: Geneva
- France: Paris
- Belgium: a chocolate factory (does this REALLY count?)
- Czech Republic: PRAGUE!  --this weekend

I have made quite a few awesome friends.
I have come to LOVE Swansea and Wales.
Have I grown as a person like everybody says happens to people when they go abroad?  I'm actually not sure yet.  We'll have to see.

So many emotions.  I'm excited to go home to see my family and friends, but I mean, I've been on a 3.5 month long vacation... do I necessarily want to leave?  No, but I am excited to become a productive member of society again ahahhaha.

Alrighty, I'm off to City Centre.  Much love.

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