Sunday, December 11, 2011

Last Full Weekend in Swansea

Good evening, blog followers.

Not too much to report this weekend.  Saturday consisted of going to the library to fetch some books for a paper, doddling around, and my friend Caleb's choir concert Saturday evening!  I just love that my study abroad program allows exchange students to really feel like we're going to college, which includes extracurricular activities!  I know exchange students who do choir, are part of the surf society, are on the basketball team, take pictures for the school paper, and a lot more.  I just think that's extremely awesome.  After the concert, my friends & I had a Pizza Hut party and then chatted for a while.  I also went to the Secret Santa event that some of the Americans had planned.  Courtney had me, and she gave me this awesome Welsh gnome thing!!!  It is fantastic.  Today has been paper writing, SAYING GOODBYE TO COURTNEY (who is staying with a friend in England for the week before she goes home), and I just watched a movie with my housemates.

Not too much else going on.  Literally cannot believe that I'm leaving soon.  One of my favorite places in Swansea is the City Centre area, so I suppose I'll spend lots of time there.  I'm also headed to Mumbles (right next to Swansea) on Wednesday.  And of course, it's time to pack pack pack.

I'll be seeing a lot of you readers soon!!
All my love.  

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