Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

(This is an artistic stretch) -- but this is us posing as a turkey - do you see it?
front = turkey head + gobble (use of hands)
me = body of turkey
everyone else = feathers of turkey


Happy Thanksgiving to all!  So, despite the fact that I am not with my family - and not seeing my extended family tomorrow - I have to say that I perhaps have had the best Thanksgiving of my entire life.  I spent it with my favorite people, aka my Swansea family.  I was completely unimpressive in my efforts today, as I was only responsible for bringing the drinks, which is actually hilarious because that's always my family's responsibility at all family gatherings.  What was also unimpressive was my choice of drinks.  I bought wine and champagne from the grocery store, which was amazing because that was the first time I bought alcohol at the grocery store.  My choice of wine was terrible, and quite frankly, I don't even like wine.  It was chosen, however, because it was 4 pounds.  So, what made the day actually impressive?  Cristen, Melissa, and Nick made A FEAST!!  (Props to Caleb for also making a delicious desert).  We had turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, gravy, cranberry sauce, that marshmellow sweet potato dish (my fave), scalloped corn, green bean casserole, bread rolls, green salad, 7up salad, pumpkin pie, apple pie, and another desert.  I mean, really, could this be any more amazing?  We all headed over to House 97, where Melissa, Caleb, and Cristen live, and it was just the perfect setting, with Christmas music and a lit baby Christmas tree in the background as the icing on the cake. 

During our delicious meal, we also went around and shared what we were thankful for.  Oh, we also did the traditional Catholic prayer at the beginning of our meal.  (How I miss my Catholics!)  Back to our mini speeches: I am so incredibly thankful for the friends I have made here.  They tell you before you go abroad that it's common to have an upside down bell curve experience while studying abroad - you start out loving it because you're in the honeymoon phase, then you go through American culture withdrawal and start to really miss home, but then you go back to loving the country you're in and then missing it when you leave.  I haven't had that because it's essentially been all positive.  Don't get me wrong - I've met my share of crazy people here who drive me nuts sometimes.  And maybe I would have had a different experience had I been in a non-English speaking country or immersed in a culture that was VASTLY different from that of the United States.  I guess I'll never know.  All I do know is that Swansea, Wales was the perfect place for me to study abroad.  So, I am also so thankful to have had the opportunity to come here.  Besides joining Shaw, it is the best thing I have done while in college. 

Now, aside from that mushy, glorious, reflective speech, I'm off to Geneva tomorrow (actually, in 8 hours) to visit Laura, one of my best friends at BC, who is studying abroad there!  I am more than excited to see her, and I anticipate that we will have a fantastic weekend.     

Enjoy your turkey --and take a moment to reflect on all that you're thankful for! xoxo        

Cristen cutting the turkey!!

Loves --and I'm loving the Christmas tree in the background

Delicious food --nothing better!

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