Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Still Alive


Can't believe I haven't blogged in over a week.  I guess I really haven't had much to report, and I still don't have much to report.

A few happenings: I went to a delicious restaurant last Thursday called Vietnam with some friends and my friend Melissa's mom and boyfriend.  Um.. what else have I done..?  Well, schoolwork.  I actually went to the library for 4 hours yesterday and basically cranked out a paper.  I've also been doing some good cooking!  Made a vegetarian chili & some teriyaki chicken tacos with pineapple.

I registered for classes yesterday.  In case you wanted to know, I'm taking Counseling Theories, Adult Psychology, Cognitive Psych., Achievement Motivation, and Independent Study.  Honestly, not my favorite schedule, and it doesn't work as well with my work schedule as I wanted it to.  The Independent Study is recommend for doing the Honors Thesis so hopefully that works out nicely.

Yup, other than that, just sleeping a lot, doing work, a quiet couple of weeks -- which has actually been quite nice because the next 3 weekends are filled with traveling.  London, Geneva, & Paris!  Hahah no complaints there.

Shout out to my little brother: HAPPY 11TH BIRTHDAY, CHRISTOPHER!!!

Ta ta for now!

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