Sunday, November 27, 2011

You Look Really Refreshed...

The title of this post is what my friend Caleb said to me upon my return to Swansea from my weekend in Geneva.  This does not surprise me at all because, well, Laura & I did so very little this weekend! hahaha It was so relaxing, though.  We ate and slept, a lot.

Friday - Traveling went smoothly.  I got into Geneva mid-afternoon, and because Laura was still at her internship, I walked around a bit (AKA I got lost) and finally found myself at a Starbucks overlooking the lake.  It was delightful, and I enjoyed my extremely expensive Iced Chai Tea Latte & free wi-fi.  We eventually met up in the Place du Mulard area (I think it's a square --this is where the Christmas tree picture was taken).  Right next to this area, Laura & I went to dinner at one of her favorite places to get these things that are like flatbread pizzas.  Our's had bacon, cheese, and onion - IT WAS EXCELLENT.  We chatted for a while before heading back to Laura's dorm/apartment.  Now, Laura had envisioned that we go out and meet all these friends of her's.  However, I soon lost basically any ability to function.  The fact that I hadn't slept the night before because my bus left at 4:30am and that I had been traveling for 10 hours caught up with me.  So, Laura wanted to go out, and all I wanted to do was go to sleep, which actually ended up working out nicely.  Laura went out, and I stayed in to Skype with my extended family (who were all meeting at my grandparent's for Thanksgiving Part 2).  I then went to sleep.

Saturday - After sleeping, we eventually headed out to eat a delicious brunch at this department store called Globus.  For food, Globus has this very high-end food court area, which almost feels like a farmer's market.  However, it's too fancy and too expensive to be a farmer's market.  Anyway, we got crepes and then walked around Geneva.  We walked by Lake Leman (below - I think this is what this is called in French), took pictures, saw the Reformation Wall, a large chess board, Cathedrale de St. Pierre, the Old Town portion of Geneva, and lots more.  THE UNFORTUNATE THING, however, was that the Jet d'Eau was not turned on!  This is the huge jet/fountain thing that comes out of the lake, and it wasn't on the entire weekend.  After exploring for a while, we stopped at an outdoor cafe area, got hot chocolate, and sat and chatted for a while.  It was lovely.  We then went back to Laura's place... and took a 3 hour nap. Why we needed one?  I'm not sure!  We eventually got up and went out to dinner at another delicious place (looks like all my money on this trip went toward food).  We headed back to Laura's place once again to get ready.  We had planned on going dancing, but after going to 2 bars, we got ridiculously tired.  So... we went to bed, again!

Sunday - Slept in.  (Sleep + food = major themes!)  We then went out to one of the few open places for a delicious, very French seeming brunch.  We then walked by the waterfront and sat on this cute dock thing and chatted for a while.  I then made my way to the airport and made the long journey back to Swansea!

So, not a whole lot was done in Geneva. hahaha.  But I mean, I didn't go to Geneva for Geneva.  I went to Geneva for Laura, and it was perfect!!!  Always good to eat, sleep, and catch up on life with a best friend.    

in front of Lake Leman (or Lake Geneva?)

Place du Mulard (I think) with Christmas tree!

Reformation Wall

Big Chess Board

Looking forward to a whole lot of writing papers this week... & then Paris this weekend!
Off to bed!

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