Tuesday, November 8, 2011



So, unfortunately, yesterday morning, I woke up with a bad case of Pinkeye and overall feelings of horribleness.  This was poor timing because I have 3 out of 4 classes on Mondays, and I didn't go to any of them.  WOOPS.  Swansea is apparently is pretty strict about attendance -- but I'm just going to hope that this isn't an issue.  So, I spent most of yesterday in my bed, and then I just slept for 11 hours.  Despite feeling a bit drowsy, probably from sleeping for too long, I'm feeling a lot better!  And the Pinkeye is incredibly minor this morning - last time I got it, it lasted for days.

So, that is all.  Class this afternoon, class tomorrow morning, then it's paper writing for the next week.

Oh, and it might add: everyone has been sick, often for long periods of time, while being here.  We call it the American plague.  My immune system has held up pretty well, I guess - and this should pass in no time.

All my love!

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