Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Happy Wednesday!


Sooo remember how I went to London and to that Ice Bar?  Well, Robert finally uploaded some photos, and here they are!

In other news, I have spent a lot of today and yesterday working on a paper.  Sooo to celebrate my paper (almost) being finished, and because I wanted to spend time with my lovely people here and eat good food, a large group of us went out to a restaurant called Cosmo in downtown Swansea.  What a fantastic life decision that was!  It was an all-you-can-eat Asian buffet for 12 pounds.  Now, honestly, the food wasn't AMAZING --because let's be real, I'm in the UK.  However, there was tons of it, and it was pretty darn good. AND there was an awesome desert area.  So, truly, I was pleased.

Me and my delightful love, Cristen!

Now, OFF TO PARIS TOMORROW!  And - I could not be more excited.

Except a post on Sunday or Monday! xo

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