Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Mid-week Update

Hello, hello!

I decided to change the background of my blog.  I wanted something different, and perhaps this makes it easier to read.

This week has been pretty slow thus far.  I had class on Monday and Tuesday.  I've been sleeping in until 11:30 or 12 for the past few days, with the exception of Monday because I had class at 9.  While this may seem nice, I think I'm getting too much sleep.  I also feel like I'm not spending my time productively.  It's weird to not have class as often as I do at BC, to not have a job, or to have meetings, volunteer hours, and a bunch of other commitments.  I feel incredibly productive when I travel because there is so much learning to be done outside the classroom, but I don't care how cheap anyone tells you it is to travel around Europe.  IT'S NOT THAT CHEAP!  I also want to make sure that I invest in getting to know Swansea and the people here.  I came to Wales for a reason!  Nevertheless, I'm incredibly excited about Berlin tomorrow!


A friend of mine recently posted in her blog some cultural differences that she's noticed.  I thought it was really interesting, so I'm now going to steal some of her ideas!

- Vegetables are shortened to "veg"

- Herb is pronounced with the 'h'

- There are no 1 pound paper bills, only coins

- I was dipping chocolate chip cookies in milk yesterday.  My flatmate started laughing hysterically and exclaimed "That's so American!!!"

- Cheers is some kind of universal greeting/word; I most often hear it used in place of thank-you

- In class, Americans participate more.  Seems to be a British thing to be more reserved.

- Meat & Potatoes.  Enough said.

- Rarely have class.  A British thing.

- Great Britain feels, and truly is in many ways, very different from mainland Europe.  I learned a lot about this in my pre-sessional class.  You can see this in GB's relationship with the European Union and the fact that GB hasn't adopted the euro as its form of currency.


Alright, that's all for now!  You can expect a blog update about my adventures in Germany on Sunday.
Have a great week, everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Allison White! Ellen here! Noticed you are studying abroad!! I spent two months in London this summer! Looking at your pics bring back some great memories! I'll be reading your blog :)

    Here's the link from when I was abroad:

    buuut here is my current blog:

    Love you and miss you! Enjoy your time abroad!
