Monday, October 17, 2011

Part 2: Trip to Berlin, Germany

"Work sets you free" -- obviously some Nazi propaganda
(on the gate at Station A - the entrance - to Sauchsenhausen Concentration Camp)


Hello, blog readers!  Because there are so many photos, I'll try to make this blog post not too incredibly wordy, and you can focus on the photos.  Basically, my trip to Berlin was one long history lesson.  It was also kind of heavy - as you probably know, Germany has a lot of heavy history.  The previous post focused on what we did at night, which was see the Festival of Lights.  During the day, I did the following:

Friday - most of the day consisted of a visit to Sauchsenhausen Concentration Camp  
(the next 4 photos are from the concentration camp)
-- Going to a concentration camp was a huge appeal for going to Germany for me.  WWII/the Holocaust is such a significant part of history that I just kind of had to see one.  It was, of course, very sad, but extremely interesting.  I didn't take pictures, however, of the shooting/crematorium/gas chamber areas that I saw with the mentality that those didn't deserve photographs.  Sauchsenhausen was also not an extermination camp, as Auschwitz was.  It was actually more of the central hub for all concentration camps; all intelligence regarding concentration camps went through Sauchsenhausen.  Political prisoners were also imprisoned here.  I think most people forget that it was not just Jews who were targeted at this time; homosexuals, mentally/physically disabled people, etc. were targeted as well.  

view from the inside

area right before the walls leading to the outside of the concentration camp
- this sign signifies an area in which, if prisoners entered - as if trying to escape, they were to be shot at without warning

memorial that the Soviets built after they liberated the camp (I think)

another memorial in the camp, next the crematorium/gas chambers area - Berlin has SO MANY memorials

On Saturday, we explored Berlin.  We saw the following:

angel statue

me with the Berlin Wall

Memorial for the Murdered Jews of Europe (above and below)
 - the architect for this memorial is also doing the 9/11 one - 

me with the Brandenberger Tor (Brandenberg Gate)
- how one got between East and West Berlin -


After exploring Berlin with a few people, the entire group of us (all 15 of us) went to a place outside of Berlin.  We knew there would be a palace, and we later found out that this was Frederick the Great's summer compound (haha he had a lot of money!).  

Frederick the Great's summer guest house

My friend Nick & me with some people dressed as royals

Frederick the Great's summer palace


On Sunday, we explored Berlin, some markets, Museum Island, and went inside the German National History Museum 

part of Museum Island


It was overall a great weekend.  One of the most interesting experiences was the hostel.  There was a man in my room with the worst BO I have ever smelled.  Hopefully he has showered since I saw/smelled him last.

Great adventures still await me!  It will be nice to be here for most of the week, but I'm going to see Stonehenge on Saturday!


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