Monday, October 3, 2011

Trip to Oxford & the first day of class!

Hello blog readers!

This past Saturday, some friends and I took a day trip to Oxford.  It was such a delightful day, and I owe many, many thanks to my friend from high school Jeffrey.  He goes to Princeton and is studying abroad for the semester at Oxford.  He's only been there a week but had all the right connections and knew all the right places to go.

First, we went to the Ashmolean Museum.  I believe this is the oldest one in Britain?

Me outside the Ashmolean Museum - I'm a fan of the nice flowers, Oxford flag, and British flag.

We then climbed up the bell tower of St. Michael's Church, one of the oldest in Oxford.  I believe it's about a thousand years old.  Here is the view from the top.

At noon, we met up with Jeffrey at the Eagle and Child Pub.  This is where Tolkein & C. S. Lewis met every week to discuss literature, perhaps? (I had Fish & Chips for the first time in England - honestly, wasn't that good!)

In the afternoon, we did a very typical Oxford thing called punting.  I lounged around for a lot of it, and Jeffrey was an excellent punter. 

In the evening, we visited Christ Church, which is part of Oxford.  (Oxford is made up of about 39 or so different colleges spread out around the city).

HARRY POTTER STEPS!!  Part of the movie was filmed at Oxford.  Recognize this staircase?

I'm pretty sure that everyone can agree that it was an awesome day.  Jeffrey got us into stuff for free, and it was fantastic.

In other news, today was my first day of class!  It was kind of a joke.  My first class this morning was Social Policy.  While interesting in theory, it was kind of dull - and kind of very easy.  I have noticed that British students really don't like to participate as much as American students do.  Then I was supposed to have my Eating Behavior class, but the professor never showed up and didn't email us about it.  Someone called, and apparently he was sick.  So really, an uneventful morning.

I think I'll take a power nap before heading to my next class. Lots of love!

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