Friday, September 30, 2011

Switched my Class Schedule Around

Hello, hello...

In case you're concerned with my academic life, here is my new schedule.  I decided I only wanted class on Monday and Tuesday.  I also found a class that way more interesting to me than one of my other classes, so I switched some.  Now I am quite pleased!  I'll have some Wednesday tutorials at the end of October, but until then, just Monday and Tuesday!

New schedule:
Social Problems (Mondays: 9-11am)
Eating Behavior (Mondays: 11-12pm)
Applied Behavior Analysis (Mondays: 3-5pm)  --> this one is more applicable, which i liked. it's about how to treat people with autism/self-injury disorders/etc. etc.
Drugs & Behavior (Tuesdays: 3-5pm)

So, in the end, I went back to taking mostly psychology classes.  That's okay.  Works for me.

Off to Oxford tomorrow - pictures to come!

Also, the weather here has been FANTASTIC.  Too bad it probably won't last, but I went to the beach on Wednesday.  So amazing.

Melissa, Caleb, & me :)

On another note - I booked my trip to Spain. Life is good.

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