Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Professors are more interesting when they have British accents...

Hello, everyone!

Sorry, family, for not posting yesterday.  It was a long day of class, and then I spent the evening playing Banana Grams and having some great discussions with my friends.

Anyway, the professor of my pre-sessional class is great!  I obviously find his British accent to make him that much more engaging, and he is quite funny.  I have found, though, that I really don't know anything about Great Britain culture and politics.  Oops.  Apparently, many other people in the class do - at least the vocal ones.  Nevertheless, it should be a great learning experience - we learned about the Great Britain political system yesterday and watched a movie to supplement the lecture about British film.  I was definitely not a fan of the movie and was extremely bored, but that's okay.

On today's agenda: just came back from a library Orientation.  Then I have class from 3 - 5.  Should be good.  Tomorrow, we have a field trip to St. Fagan's and the Big Pit.  I think I might go look up what that is right now.  Then, on Thursday, I have my first "tutorial/seminar" session, one of the most known components of the British education system.

In other news, BC emailed me telling me that I am eligible to apply for the Psychology Honors Program, which allows me to write an Honors Thesis, AND I AM QUITE PLEASED.  I had been wanting that for a while.

Well, after this very academic email, I'm going to take a nap.

All my love!    

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