Sunday, September 25, 2011

Trip to London to see Wicked!

Hello, hello!

So - yesterday, 6 friends & I went to London to explore the city in the morning and see Wicked in the afternoon.  The picture above is, of course, me making my way to Hogwarts.  (They moved it though - as you can tell by the fake-looking wall on the right).  The original wall is still there, but they moved it to outside the train station. 

Then we walked around the city.  I suggested that we go to places that I had been to before during my London orientation, simply because I knew how to get there.  However, we did see the London Bridge (above) and Buckingham Palace (below).  I didn't make it to these last time.

Outside the theater!

Wicked was, unsurprisingly, phenomenal.  SO SO SO AMAZING.  We then made our way back to Swansea via bus, and after a ridiculously long and exhausting way, I went to sleep.  Before I went to sleep, though, I chatted with two of my housemates, and they are WONDERFUL.  I'm expecting some good bonding experiences ahead :) Now, time to get myself to do the paper that I have been seriously putting off.

All my love.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Allison, Fabulous photos! You've now seen Wicked in NYC (Broadway) and London . . . very cool. I particularly enjoyed your notes on the history of the Roman Baths. I too was surprised that course enrollment is not online! Uncle Jeff and I played golf today. Tomorrow evening I have the fall kickoff meeting in NYC for the Women's Bond Club. Have a good week. Love, Aunt Kathy
