Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Random Notes

Hello, hello!

Tomorrow should have a much more exciting post because I'm headed to the city of Bath in England for our final field trip of my pre-sessional course.  Until then, I have a few thoughts for the day.

The way this university has their students register for classes is kind of lame.  Instead of some handy online system, we literally have to go to a professor, stand in a very long line, and sign up for courses.  Apparently, classes fill up really quickly so you want to try to be at the front of the line.  What makes this difficult is we don't actually have any idea when the classes are offered.  They don't give us a time table until Monday, the 26th, when we register.  So, I guess I have to quickly look over a time table of when classes are offered, decide what I want to take (traveling/giving myself long weekends is kind of a priority here), and then run around campus to find the professors.  I honestly don't mind the running around part.  I really just wish I knew when the classes were offered so I can plan my schedule.  Because I don't know my class schedule, I haven't booked my trip to Spain, which is happening at the beginning of October.  So, I'm just going to have to deal with higher ticket prices. Lovely.

In other news, planning trips is a lot harder than I thought it was!  Despite all the stressful meetings my friends and I have been having about our travel plans, I will say that I am definitely going to Berlin from Oct. 13th - 16th for the Festival of Lights.  I have my flights and hostel booked.  I now just need train tickets to and from Liverpool.

I'm also going to London this weekend to see Wicked!  With the mentality of cheapest is best, 6 friends and I are leaving Swansea at 3:30am (by train) Saturday morning to get to London around 7:15am.  Then we'll have the morning to explore, and we'll see the show at 2:30.  Then we have a 5 hour Megabus ride back to Swansea around dinner time.

3:30am is kind of insane, but I suppose I'm grateful for my budget conscious friends.

Finally, I move into my 'permanent' term-time residence tomorrow!  Most of my house-mates won't arrive, however, until Friday or Saturday.  I'll have 9 house-mates.  It will probably be insane and extremely fun.

Much love to all!    

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