Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Exploring London

On Day 2 of my Orientation in London, my 2 Swansea friends and I spent most of the day walking around the city!  We had a small Orientation meeting in the morning, but our coordinator tried to keep it as short as possible to allow us to explore the city.  Naturally, I needed to take this touristy pic.  We also saw the London Eye, House of Parliament/Big Ben, Shakespeare's Globe Theater, St. Paul's Cathedral, Westminster Abbey, and more.  I had some kind of chicken/mushroom pot pie thing with mashed potatoes and gravy for lunch. Was it that great?  No.  But it was fine.  Then we went out for Indian food for dinner (apparently, Chicken Tika Masala is the national dish of England!)  The dinner was actually not as good as my favorite Mother India in Costa Mesa, which was surprising since the Indian influence is so strong here, but at least it wasn't too expensive for the amount of food we got - one of the waiters lured us into going there by offering us a deal.

Also - I bought a phone today, family.  I'll have to email you the number!  I'm not sure that you'd ever want to call me though.  I wonder how expensive it is.  

That's all for now.  Off to Swansea tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Every time I see Swansea I think of Jeffrey's Chinese name, which is vaguely similar, no? Hopefully I'll get over it soon!
