Friday, September 9, 2011

Made it to SWAN-zee!

Hello friends and family!

I haven't had Internet for the past 2 days, and I've been feeling like an addict suffering from withdrawals because I've been wanting to update everyone on my adventures.

I will start with Thursday morning!  Jason, our coordinator at Arcadia, accompanied Kate, Whitney, and myself in a cab to Paddington Station in London.  We ended up missing the train because Arcadia thought they had given us our tickets, but they hadn't.  No problem though since a train leaves for Swansea every hour.  So, at 11:45, we started our 3 hour journey toward Swansea.  Once we got to the train station in Swansea, the three of us took a cab over to the university.  Kind of a dreary day - it rains every day, but the campus is great!  And it's across the street from the beach!  Now, this is no CA beach, but I do love being next to large bodies of water nonetheless.  (I still have to upload Wales pictures, so pictures will come later.  It also hasn't been that nice out, and I'd rather take some pictures of the campus when it's sunny).  Once we arrived on campus, we headed toward the appropriate building and got our keys for our short-term accommodation.  I then chatted with other American students for a while, and we headed out to a Pub for dinner.  Quite delicious.  Then it was a pretty quiet evening.  This morning, we had a small Orientation meeting about our upcoming two-week class on Great Britain Politics and Culture and then had some free time to grab lunch and officially register with the University.  At 2, we all met outside a building and had a field trip to the Gower Peninsula.  We first stopped in the town of Mumbles, which was beautiful and very quaint!  (This is home to Catherine Zeta Jones).  Then we made our way to the peninsula and got to walk around and take pictures.  Then, my new friend Melissa and I went out to Pub on the Pond, my second night in a row, and got some dinner.  Since then, I've been working on my internet connection and finally got it to work!

On another note, the Student Union plans some trips to various European cities so I signed up for two today! -- one to Amsterdam in November and one to Paris at the beginning of December.  Hooray!  

A few notes:
- I have been very impressed with Arcadia University.  They have basically taken care of everything, and I keep finding out that stuff is paid for.  For example, the couple hundred pound bus pass has been paid for, and I have 2 week bus passes for the next 2 weeks.  For all the last-minute waiting that I had to do prior to my departure, they really have everything under control while I'm here.

Pictures to come soon!      

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