Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Field Trip to Bath, England!

Hello, hello!

Today was probably one of my favorite days thus far.  We took a field trip to Bath, and holy cow, what a perfect, beautiful, charming, wonderful city.  It is a must must must see if you ever go to England.  We first went to the Roman Baths - the Romans (when they were in control of Britain way way back in the day) used the hot springs for some lovely bathing and honoring of some Gods.  In some of the pictures, you'll see Bath Abbey in the background.  Such a stunning church.  After touring the Roman Baths, we went to a cute coffee shop, walked around and explored the city, saw the Circus, Royal Crescent, and went into the Royal Crescent Museum (not worth my 5 pounds, but hey, royalty vacations there!)  After that, we went to Sally Lunn's Bun Shop - a restaurant, museum, and store.  Here, we had afternoon tea (which was sooo good! - because I added a bunch of cream and sugar), sandwiches, and buns.  My bun came with cinnamon butter.  So, what more could I ask for?  Good friends.  Afternoon tea in England.  Basically, everything was fantastic.  We then headed back to Swansea and got our luggage and moved into our off-campus residences.

Friends with Bath Abbey in the background

Roman Baths

Roman Baths, with Bath Abbey behind it

Royal Crescent

Sally Lunn's!

Bun with cinnamon butter

Tea time with our pinkies up - clearly, my pinky is not very strong

PS - I'm in my new permanent residence.  I'll post a little something on that tomorrow or some time soon. Time for bed!  

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