Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Field Trip Day! - Big Pit

Today was a fantastic and delightful day!

We met at the bus stop at 9am and made our way first to Big Pit, which is a preserved coal mine that is now a museum.  The first part of that outing was a tour down into a coal mine, which was actually incredibly fascinating.  We weren't allowed to bring cameras, watches, or anything with a battery down into the mine because of the whole gas/fire/explosion issue.  So, all pictures were taken outside.  Before we went into the mine, we had to get our protective gear, which you can see in the first picture.  This included a helmet with light - otherwise, there is no light 90 meters below.  We also had these belts, which had a gas mask/mini oxygen thing and the battery for our head lights.  Kind of heavy.  Then we walked through some other museum stuff that talked about mining life.  (FYI - Coal used to be a HUGE industry in Wales).  The second picture is a view of the mine from the top of a hill, and the third is me in the thing they used to carry the coal.  Now I'll write about the other part of the field trip in the post above.

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