Friday, September 16, 2011

A Closet History Nerd?

I think that if I weren't a psychology major, I would probably be a history major.  I am absolutely loving my Great Britain Politics & Culture class.  First of all, I told the professor that my favorite singer/band was Pitbull.  He consistently makes references to that during class, each time using a different breed of dog.  Some of the most common examples include the Yorkshire Terrier and Rottweiler.  I crack up every single time and have to compose myself by laughing into my shirt or something like that.  Let's just say - THE BRITISH ARE HILARIOUS.  He also just has so many jokes and is so engaging.  I am just eating all this up.  What's funny is most people struggle to stay awake, and I feel like the class flies by incredibly quickly - even though we have it 4 - 5 hours a day.  I just don't see how you can not be fascinated by everything that has happened in the past that leads to where we are now.  I suppose I'm a bit of a History nerd...?  We also had a seminar (7 students + professor for an hour) about what to do while we're abroad and various travel advice.  The professor is just such a delightful man.

Yesterday and today have been more low-key besides my hours of class.  Doing some laundry now.  Went to the grocery store yesterday.  Last night was 5 pound Curry Night at Potters Wheel, a local pub, so a bunch of my friends and I went out to eat.  (Naturally, I got Chicken Tikka Masala).  Adjusting to life in Wales quite well, I would say!

Looking forward to going to Brecon Beacon National Park in Wales this weekend!  Updates to come soon, as always.


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