Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Field Trip Day! - St. Fagan's

If you want to read about what I did today in a chronological order, I suggest reading the post below this first.

After we left Big Pit, we headed toward St. Fagan's.  From the website, St. Fagan's can be described as: "In the 100-acre parkland of St. Fagan's Castle, a late 16th-century manor house, are over 30 buildings moved from various parts of Wales and re-erected." It was BEAUTIFUL, as you can see.  We just walked around took a ton of pictures.  It was also beautiful weather.  After a couple hours to explored, we headed back to campus.

Tomorrow is another full day of class.  Tonight, we're all heading out to the club Oceana.  Should be an excellent night.  Until next time! - enjoy the pictures.