Monday, October 24, 2011

Still Connected to BC

Hello, hello...

So, although I am many, many miles away from home - I still find myself very attached to my commitments at Boston College!  Stressful, indeed.  The most stressful thing has been coming up with an idea for an Honors Thesis for the Honors Psychology program.  The preliminary application isn't due until next Tuesday, but it involves contacting so many professors, and it sometimes takes about 1 million years for them to email me back.  HOWEVER, I am proud to say that the one professor who I wanted/expected to be my advisor has agreed to be my advisor.  AND I have essentially come up with an idea for the thesis.  I'm currently doing transcription/research assistant stuff for a project called the 21st Century Athenas, which studies the alignment between mental health/well-being and high achieving adolescent girls.  I have decided to go with the same approach but to apply it to college-age women.  Hoooray!  I still have a few other professors to talk to, but I am so pleased that I have an idea, especially because it's actually relevant to my life.

In other news, today was filled with lectures.  AND THE WEATHER WAS TERRIBLE.  It's hard to find weather that surpasses the perfection of Southern California; nonetheless, I guess I like to pick universities  in locations that are ridiculously far from the Orange County climate.  Anyway, this evening, I went out to The Potter's Wheel, a local pub, with my friends Nick, Bianca, and Bianca's boyfriend, who was visiting from Germany for the weekend.  Such a wonderful delight :)  


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