Thursday, October 20, 2011

This Week

Hello blog followers,

Just in case you wanted to make sure I'm still alive, as my parents often do, I just thought I'd share a few things about my week, although there is not much to report.

I've honestly been waking up so late here.  Try 12:30 pm every day.  It's such a waste of my life, but I guess I'm becoming nocturnal.  Not really a good habit.  I'm also going to sit down and try to do some work today, which hasn't happened as much as it perhaps should.  In other news, I went shopping yesterday.  Originally, it was just supposed to be for food, but the grocery store, bus station, and mall are all literally right next to each other.  Therefore, I couldn't resist and bought clothes.  I also bought train tickets to visit my friend Rylee in Durham, England.  We carpooled for years together - her parents are also UCI professors.  I am so excited!  I also bought plane tickets to visit Laura, one of my best friends from BC who is studying abroad in Geneva, Switzerland.  Also, so excited!!

And finally, my friends and I went to Wind Street last night.  It's a street with a bunch of bars and clubs in downtown Swansea, that also happens to be right next to the remains of a castle - honestly, I love that.  So Wales.  It was such a fantastic time. :)

Excited for Stonehenge on Saturday!

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